More Sustainability 06

The Common Goal: More Sustainability

From automotive through aviation to urban mobility, industry experts and visionaries are discussing challenges and trends, new market opportunities and technological possibilities at the ENGEL Mobility Days 2023 – Supported by KTM Technologies – in Austria in mid-June. The two-day event with top ranking keynote speakers and future-oriented machine exhibits combines and expands the previous […]

Tape Sandwich Ktm 01

Tape sandwich for greater stiffness, less weight and low production costs

The focus of the ENGEL Mobility Days 2023 – supported by KTM Technologies – mid-June in Austria is change and sustainability.

Circular Economy Techspan Engel New Zealand Slide Video

ENGEL commits to the SBTi standard

By committing to the internationally recognised SBTi standard, ENGEL is setting science-based targets for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. The injection moulding machine manufacturer is accelerating its activities for climate protection by doing so, while making its commitment even more transparent at the same time.